Exploring a New Life Together
For couples who dated and married while they were still teenagers, the intervening years have often been about raising and family and making a home. Their world has been in constant motion, but it begins to slow down as their own children leave home to create new careers and families. They suddenly realize that they are faced with a communication gap as they learn there are other things to talk about than their children or house. It can come as a shock to some, but others are busy exploring a new life together as a couple.
The couple must talk without constant chaos, and some of them will find they have little to say at first. For those who are determined to make the most of their golden years happy ones as a couple, learning how to talk again like they have just begun their relationship is important. They will need to find new ways to connect with each other, and it might not always be easy. Choosing new ways to explore their relationship will help.
Getting involved in charities or new hobbies as a couple could be a saving grace for the pair, and it will give them a start on learning to communicate about something other than the children. They could see it as a new way to live together, or it could be an opportunity they have long planned as a couple. The pairs who are willing to work as a team to recreate the feelings they once had will have the best chance of succeeding.
It is not always easy to retain a romantic relationship throughout the years, but it can be reclaimed once the children are gone if a couple is willing to put in the work. They will need to find more in common with each other, and they will have to learn how to talk about future plans without interruption.